I just came outside and 2012 just finished right before our eyes and 2013 is greeted with fireworks, loud soundscoming from speakers, trumpets, and even people themselves. After finishing a movie , I decided to finish this one off just for 2012.
I have been thinking of 2012 and I admit, it wasn't a good year but instead of focusing on the bad things, I have thought of the things that made it a "not-so-bad-year-afterall". This year is not a year of good things but we have to learn from the bad in order for us to realize the good or what's good . So, let me enumerate 12 things that made most of my 2012.
1. Running
This is already obvious, I even created a new blog for this (checkout http://thepinkwarriorruns.blogspot.com). I remember track and field as my sport during my elementary days, I have been our classroom's participant for the 100 m dash. Given my figure before - tall, thin and athletic, I have mostly won the races. As time passed, I forgot my love for running, I wanted to do a triathlon now, it has been a dream of mine since me and my dad have watched this adventure triathlon race held at his mother's hometown at Siargao island. I can swim and ride a bike, I can probably do it. Hopefully, I can find time to train or this is the best time to just resign from my work. (think think think abi)
2. Odin
I was skeptic in getting a dog again, my sister pushed me to get this one. Given my super stupid busy schedule, I really do not consider getting one. But my sister, really wanted to get one, so when my office mate asked me if I wanted to get one of her dogs, her description of the breed made it more irresistable. And he did, I already have him and named him Odin, after Thor's father, whom I admire from the movie. What's not really good though was his health, I am going for broke with this dog. But I will always hope he'll be better, his cute presence is enough to keep me energized and a little inspired. I always pray that he'll get better.
3. Travel alone
I booked a ticket last Feb 2012, for a birthday trip to Palawan. I have wished to go with someone but we never made it to us. But I thought of it happening so, I already made arrangements all by myself. I thought of it as a cross off my bucket list, at least I wouldn't have to wonder how it is to travel alone. I enjoyed it and i was able to meet new wonderful people and it made me hope that next time I get there, it will not be just me anymore. Just hoping. :)
4. Losing Weight
I started the year at 65 kgs, I think and ended it at 60kgs. With less fats on my face, thighs, and belly. I still have some more fat on my belly though, and I will be working on that this year. Hopefully. Hehe. It's better said than done no?
5. Dyed Hair
I have always loved my brown hair, but I wanted a chestnut one. I always wanted to be a redhead girl. I dunno why, but it just came into mind this year. I think it's my way of rebellion to myself, that I am not the same anymore and dying my hair is the sign of it.
6. Phone
One of the best things I bought this year is my very very smart phone. It gets me to do a lot of things, I love it. I can't keep myself away from it. I play games with it, chat with my friends with it, blog, run, take pictures etc. It's just everything. I love it. I thank God for letting me have the dibs to buy it.
7. Reading
Since I have my new phone, i have more time to read during commutes. I have read more articles though, I wish to read more books for 2013.
8. Transfer to Bicutan
This has changed my whole activity plan for the week. Since it is far than our Pasig office, I have to adapt, I have to wake up early, change my whole schedule after office, I could not go on overtime because of the shuttle service, and there's the dog, I have to make time for it. First day of my commute to the office, I cried, I could not take the people and all, but this is my reality now. And I have come to accept.
9. Friends leaving
Most of my friends are already abroad, if not out of the country, they're married, or committed to their vocation. This is sad. The last time we met together before the other left to work in an another country, I cried, I am running out of people to run to whenever I need someone to talk to. If just wanted to go to the mall, I have no one to call to. I only have a few friends, and re-learning to have new ones is hard for me to do. It's hard for me to be comfortable with people. It may seem that I am okay with it, but really, it's hard. It's like I am pushing myself to do it. I don't know, but it's just me. I do not warm up easily. Also, I have learned that this is okay. I mean, it's just me. If anybody has a problem with that well, then I am sorry. But, I could not change who I am.
10. Bibot dying
My first SLR Camera does not wanna turn on anymore. And, along with it, I have thought that my enthusiasm for Photography is clearly dying. If I am into something, I will work my ass off with it. It's just that now, I do not have any motivational coins in my pocket to keep my photography interest going. And then this happened, I don't know if I still want to continue it given that I think I am already an above average photographer and I have a couple of people asking for my services already. This is one sad part of my 2012 life, losing interest on this. Maybe, I am just in a slump, or I dunno.
11. Heartbreak
Along with losing my interest, I've capped off 2011 with a heartbreak and still, I haven't learned a thing from it. It's still the same reason and I continue being a pathetic bitch. I encourage people not to be pathetic and yet I am still one of them. Geeez looouise Abi. I sometimes cry in the middle of the street thinking of the void that person left me with. Deep inside I want to hate him, but it isn't worth it. I want to find meaning to this and I know that it is more than the pain. I know I am waaay better than before, but still it's irritating to think about it. I really want to end it, and just start anew. I just want to be okay with myself again.
12. Blog writing
Of course, how will I be able to deal with all of this if I didn't write. One of my bosses, who reads my blogs on Multiply before, told me that I deal by writing. And yes, she is right. This is the best way I know how to be in tuned with myself, also, this is an avenue for me to understand the situation more. Sometimes, I have too many voices in my head and when I write, it just becomes one and it's getting clearer. I have made I think three other blogs this year, and I think, it's okay. (why three? I am a bit OC and I would like everything to be in their proper places - but our house is a big mess believe me)
I ended up my other blog because whenever I am reading it, it became too sad and I don't want to be sad anymore. I am a melodramatic person but I don't wanna be lonely all the time, I have to move on, move forward just like how every year ends. It ends whether you like it or not.
So there, I do hope my 2013 will be a brighter one. Better health for my dog, better financial situation for me, better outlook in life and career and of course, more sporty activities to come. I hope you all have better resolutions for 2013. Let's always be positive! Cheers!
Cheers 2012! Credits to Paolo Nacpil. |